Live a Life of Victory
If you have ever been overwhelmed by life's challenges,
know that you are not alone!
Nicole Waldron
Voice of Victory
If you have ever been overwhelmed by life's challenges,
know that you are not alone!
Nicole Waldron
Voice of Victory
Victory Speaks is an entity where Victory "Speaks" and Iron Sharpens Iron, as we seek to be our best selves. We all need to be mentally fit so we can finish our race in this journey of life. You see Victory is not just about the win, it is being able to cross the finish line as your best self. It’s your personal victory. 🦋
Through the Victory Speaks Podcast, Show and Coaching you will be empowered to live a life of Victory. Together we will maximize our strengths and cross the finish line Victoriously together!
I look forward to connecting with you as you become a part of the Victory Movement. Dedicated to inspiring you to live a Victorious lifestyle.
Nicole Waldron
The Voice of Victory & Mental Fitness Coach
Let Your Victory Speak
Through our online resources, we will share victory secrets, to help you identify the blocks that are preventing you from living a victorious lifestyle and provide you with the tools you need to Live Victoriously.
The Victory speaks Video & Audio Podcasts are formatted to Motivate, Enlighten & Inspire.
The Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcast & other podcast platforms.
The Victory Speaks "Inspiring Conversation" Series of Interviews is available weekly on our
YouTube Channel VictorySpeaks7 and Facebook Page VictorySpeaks77
For Victory Speaks speaking, hosting and voiceovers: email VictorySpeaks7@gmail.com
Follow on: Twitter and Instagram pages @VictorySpeaks7
Our online Victory Speaks courses will help you apply our victory secrets to 7 key areas of your life, so you can begin to live a Victorious Lifestyle! (Stay Tuned)
Our victorious lifestyle coaching program, includes one on one mentorship, group training and full access to our online courses, where we help you to develop and solidify a customized Victorious Lifestyle Action Plan!. (Stay Tuned)
The year 2020 the year that changed the world:
The power of perspectives!
There is always a Silver lining- can you see it? How we define this year will reveal a lot about ourselves and our society. How did it change you? How can you enhance your life in the midst of all the chaos? What are the lessons can we learn from 2020?
Can you find opportunities in the Crisis? Can you allow light to shine in? What did you discover about yourself? Who are you outside of your profession? Have you defined yourself by your profession? What can we do better for our communities?
So before you rush to get to 2021, I encourage you pause and see what you can be grateful now. What can you do the make the rest of the year be good for you? 2020 the year to get our lives perspectives in perspective.
Have you ever wanted to write a book, unsure how to publish, this conversation is for you! If you have been through trauma and want some tips on triumphing, this conversation is for you. If you are thinking about your purpose and leadership this conversation is for you! And If you needs some inspiration and would like to meet some amazing people This conversation is for you.
If you have been through trauma and want some tips on triumphing, this conversation is for you. If you are thinking about your purpose and leadership this conversation is for you! If you need some inspiration and would like to meet some amazing people
This conversation is for you. We also leaned in on the topic of sisterhood, women supporting each other along with Mother. We are not just our sisters keeper, we are our sister!
Shelter Movers is the only organizations that move Women and their families fleeing Violence for Free. Tune in to find out more.
On Monday October 26th, 2020, I had an Inspired Conversation when I sat down for a chat with Corporate Social Media Trainer & Online Personal Branding Strategist Cher Jones
This conversation was filled with so many nuggets. You may want to have your journal ready to take notes, I know those of us in the live show did, for you always learn from Cher, as she is a master in her craft and she is filled with so much wisdom.
To connect with Cher be sure to connect with her on: LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/itscherjones Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/CherJones Hashtags: #JustAskCher #VictorySpeakspurpose #victoryspeakslife
Thanksgiving Ideas during Covid!
Nicole Waldron Host of Victory Speaks has an Inspired Conversation with Coach Danny Stone
Driven by Purpose - Ready 4 Change
An Inspired Conversation with Life Coach Danny Stone What an inspirational an insightful conversation I had tonight with Coach Stone @Iamdannystone
Be sure to listen to the re-broadcast so many nuggets dropped tonight. Be sure to follow Danny on all social media platforms @iamdannystone And visit his website. Take the quiz on his website if you want to know what type of business you should start www.iamdannystone.com
Thank you for tuning in and remember #VictorySpeaksLife
Nicole Waldron sharing Testimonies of Triump
Nicole Waldron Sits down with Nahomie Acelin to have an Inspired Conversation.
Through the eyes of a mom - the Challenges and opportunities while raising children with Sickle Cell Today I spoke with Nahomie Acelin Author and Lifecoach. Nahomie just released a Special Children's Book for Black Boys, which was inspired by her sons journey with Sickle Cell.
Nahomie has 3 sons under 10, and two of them have Sicle Cell. Her sons are now empowered through this book their mom wrote and see themselves as superheroes as they fight this disease that affects the Black population. Please visit Super Felix Brothers to find out more about the book and the project. The book is available on Amazon The Battle of Ottogatz! #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHealthMatters@SuperFelixBrothers
Nicole Waldron Host of Victory speaks chats with Lisa Bailey, Ulysse Guerrier & Serena Thompson on Living with Sickle Cell
Thank you for joining this Inspiring Conversation on Living with Sickle Cell as we conclude Sickle Cell Awareness Month. My guests today are Lisa Bailey, Serena Thompson and Ulysse Guerrier who sit on the Board of the #SickleCellAssociationOntario, they are personally affected by Sickle through their families and their own personal stories. Sickle cell anemia is one of a group of disorders known as sickle cell disease. It is an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body.
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a group of life-threatening, inherited disorders that affect the normal functioning of the red blood cells. Since the discovery of sickle-shaped cells in human blood, there have been a few major milestones in the treatment and efforts to bring awareness to the disease. There is currently no cure for most people with sickle cell anemia. But treatments can relieve pain and help prevent complications associated with the disease. #SickleCell #Advocacy #Family #care #Support
Naomi Acelin and her Husband Ronald are parents with 2 out of their 3 kids battling Sickle Cell. This is truly an Inspiring Conversation. Naomi has recently released her first book for Children based on 3 Black Boys who are superheroes in the Battle of Ottogatz!
Check out this great video
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